Never Give Up Trying
Above all, we want to raise self-confident, happy children who are curious, questioning, trying, failing and trying again, never giving up trying, being aware that they are loved.
Curiosity and Discovery
Every human being is born with a sense of curiosity. Learning from the first moments of life is our way of connecting with life itself. Everything a child learns with curiosity is a discovery. Unfortunately, as we grow up, we lose these feelings that underlie our need to learn and give us the joy of life. However, learning is a lifelong journey. Supporting the sense of curiosity and discovery in childhood is the greatest investment in his/her future. At Mor Kanguru Kids Club, all spaces are designed as safe learning spaces open to discovery.
Language Development and English Language Teaching
Exposure to different languages at an early age supports the child's mental development in language and non-linguistic subjects in a positive way. It is a known fact that children who gain language awareness at an early age improve their comprehension and interpretation skills. Mor Kanguru Kids Club workshops are taught in English. In our educational approach, gaining competence in language is a priority. For this reason, we also have a Turkish education class if the family or child needs it for their own reasons.
Life and self-care skills:
Only if a person has self-care skills, he/she can transform his/her knowledge and skills into action. This is the most important secret of raising children in the northern countries where Mor Kanguru Kids Club is inspired in its educational approach. Our play-learning areas and workshop contents are designed to support the child's daily life skills. For example, there is a snack time in one workshop every week. Each workshop starts with a greeting and the materials are collected together with the children at the end of the workshop.
Happy Parent-Happy Child
The colour of our kangaroo is purple because our doors are open to mothers, fathers, grandfathers, grandmothers, in short, to all family members who assume the responsibility of caring for the child in the family. Parenting is a challenging process that goes through different stages with the child's developmental stages. Mor Kanguru informs and supports parents about the developmental processes of their children through the family-expert communication system it has established, especially in today's isolated conditions. Because a child's happiness starts in the family. A child who knows that he/she is loved, happy and self-confident learns.